Brainspotting Intensives
Therapy Intensives are a great way to capture the emotional healing in the moment. We offer intensive sessions spanning from 1-5 days to support motivated clients in engaging in focused therapeutic treatment and support their functioning within their day-to-day lives.

Why an intensive as opposed to Regular sessions?
Intensives can offer the “biggest bang for your buck” in therapy. By engaging in an intensive, the individual can gain symptom relief and healing faster than engaging in 60 minute weekly sessions.
The session is focused solely on the goals of treatment while your therapist is there to monitor closely and support you throughout the intensive to accomplish the treatment goals.
Emotional and Physical Healing: Brainspotting is a powerful therapeutic technique that supports neurophysiological regulation through emotional healing, expansion towards more positive self-regard, awareness of triggers of disturbing behaviors, and blocks towards personal growth.
Time, Cost and Payment:
Intensive therapy sessions are scheduled over a span of 1 to 4 days (within the same week) based upon treatment goals and plan discussed with provider. Sessions are booked at the length of 90-minutes each.
Example of Scheduling:
Two Day:
1st Day of 2 Day Intensive: 90 minute intake followed by a 90 minute Brainspotting session with a 30 or 60 minute break between the two sessions.
2nd Day of 2 Day Intensive: 90 minute session in a.m. and 90 minute session in p.m.
One follow up 60 minute session
Total Cost: $800
Three Day:
1st Day of 3 Day Intensive: 90 minute intake followed by a 90 minute brainspotting session with a 30 minute break between the two sessions.
2nd Day of 3 Day Intensive: 90 minute session in a.m. and 90 minute session in p.m.
3rd Day of 3 Day Intensive: 90 minute session in a.m and 90 minute session in p.m.
One follow up, 60 minute session
Total Cost: $980
Private Pay: $160 per 90-minute session (please inquire about a discount applied to the total cost if payment is received in cash or check upfront)
Additional Payment Information
Authorization of services by insurance is not a guarantee of coverage and insurance companies are not covering extended services beyond 60-minute sessions. Insurance does not always cover multiple sessions within one week span. Insurance will be billed for first 60 minutes of each session but is not guaranteed. Client will be responsible for any cost insurance does not cover. Client will be billed directly for any session time over the 60-minute session.
Non-refundable deposit to hold intensive spot is to be paid in advance.
This fee will be credited to services as services are rendered. Credit card must be held on file to bill for additional fees of service upon completion of intensive.
Deposit Fee for 1-2 Day Intensive: $200
Deposit Fee for 3-4 Day Intensive: $400
The Process:
A thorough intake and treatment plan to establish goals.
You will complete intake documents prior to the intensive. Your clinician will then assess symptoms and severity with you in your first session (intake). You will discuss with your provider:
therapeutic goals that include desired states of functioning or being
review of a timeline of disturbing or traumatic events in childhood and adult lifespan
assessment of negative beliefs
identification of resources and the assessment of strengths.
This will be a “road map” to support your processing journey over the span of the intensive and will be regularly reviewed throughout the intensive sessions to continue to monitor growth and healing.
“Dropping into the process” to support regulation, healing and growth.
This is the part where the work begins towards emotional regulation with use of the therapeutic techniques of Brainspotting. Your clinician will help guide you through deeper levels of emotional exploration with use of a variety of Brainspotting techniques that will help clear harbored emotional responses, release somatic responses, and help to eliminate and shift negative thoughts and programmed messages of regard towards self. Sessions will build on strengthening positive beliefs about self and expand into desired states of being.